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Book Translations


Book Translations

Expertise and Literary Talent

English, French and German into Brazilian Portuguese

As an experienced writer and researcher, I can provide accurate and high-quality translations of fiction and nonfiction for the publishing industry and authors targeting a Brazilian Readership.

My portfolio comprises titles of acclaimed contemporary French and German philosophers translated into Brazilian Portuguese. I have also been appointed as the official Brazilian translator for the collected works of the German-Czech Philosopher Vilém Flusser published in Brazil by É Realizações Editora.

In addition to book translations, I have a solid track record of translating conferences, scientific papers, and research articles in the humanities, as well as articles published in scientific reviews and specialised magazines.


Translated titles:


Do sujeito ao projeto – Humanização, In Press
[Vom Subjekt zum Projekt. Menschwerdung, Vilém Flusser]

A arte de projetar em arquitetura, 2022 [42. Ed. update]
[Bauentwurfslehre: Grundlagen, Normen, Vorschriften by Ernst Neufert]

Medium e revolução, 2020
[Medium und Revolution by Peter Trawny]

O Universo das imagens técnicas, 2019 [chapters]
[Ins Universum der technischen Bilder by Vilém Flusser]

A comunidade inoperada, 2016
[La communauté desoeuvrée by Jean-Luc Nancy

  • Fields:

    Fiction, Philosophy, Archicteture, Photography, Art, Film, History

  • Assets:

    Books, E-books, Magazines, Workbooks, Audioguides, Audiobooks

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book cover titled 'Inoperative Community' from Jean-Luc Nancy several books in vertical position slightly opened